October 20, 2020
Youth & Junior Training Update
Firstly, thank you to everyone who submitted their feelings and hopes towards the restart of training. You will be pleased to hear that we have (finally!) managed to secure a venue for training, and have hopes to start sessions soon after half-term.
Training will inevitably look different to last season. All sessions will be held outside, with smaller groups attending at each time.
We will be operating on a strictly 'opt in' basis, with all players agreeing to follow any safety guidelines. Players not yet ready to return will be welcomed back at any point when they do feel safe and happy.
Please take a look at the COVID-19 section of the website for vital reading on netball's restart. After reading, head to the 'Youth & Junior COVID-19' section to find a way to register your interest and availability for training. This will allow us to plan session times to cater for as many members as possible and get everyone back on court safely.
With the current size of the club, we will be prioritising current members and new players in years 4 and 5. If you are a new player in another age group, please register your interest and we will get in contact with you.
October 18, 2020
Adult League Restart
As all adult league players should hopefully know, the Bedford League is preparing to start for the 2020/2021 season in early November. We have provisionally re-entered the same number of teams as last year, and now need all players to read the restart guidance and safety protocols. Please head to the new 'COVID-19' section of the website (under the 'about' tab) to find all the documents and an 'opt in' form.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your captain or pop us an email.
September 03, 2020
Starting To Return To Netball
It feels both ages ago and just yesterday that I was posting here to say that netball was ending for the season back in March. I hope that everyone has kept safe and healthy over the last few months, and hasn't missed netball too much. I know a few of our junior teams got stuck in to the England Netball's 'Virtual Netball Club', and our county players were kept busy with home training and zoom sessions with ex-Granger and England player Ellie Rattu.
As more of the country is opening up and we are returning to activities we love, England Netball have received permission to begin returning to community netball. Please download the letter below to find out about the new modifications from EN, where Grangers is on our path to return, and have a chance to give us your input on returning.
April 25, 2020
Easter Newsletter
In a very different post-holiday-newsletter update, I hope you are all safe and healthy and home as much as possible.
The 2019/20 season has been such a strong one for the club. The senior regional team are back in ERL division 2 showing their strength. The senior local league squads are representing the club perfectly (as ever) - fantastic results across all divisions showing the social, friendly, competitive netball we offer at Grangers. The youth players display more brilliant results in both the league and the cup, with huge improvements seen in both individual and squad play. The youth regional league was back for the first time in years, and we have proudly represented Bedfordshire with both a U14 and U16 squad. And the junior players finally started their match play in February with all NINE squads showing their talent.
Download the newsletter below to read more about what has been happening across the club, see who has shone so far during lockdown, find some fun netball and fitness activities to keep you busy and much more.
I am hoping to get a whole club season review out to you all. If you would like to write something about your achievements as a squad or your personal season so far, get in touch via email (!
March 15, 2020
Further Coronavirus Update...
The Bedford & District Netball League have made the decision to suspend all netball leagues in Bedford for the time being. This covers the Adult, Youth and Junior leagues. As it's so close to the Easter break, they will be constantly reviewing the situation and will let us know the plan after the holidays for restarts.
As for training, Lincroft School have cancelled all bookings meaning Adult and Regional training will be postponed until further notice. Keep check of your WhatsApp groups for training and Regional match details.
Junior and Youth training will also cease running for the near future. We will be following Gov and EN guidelines as to when we can resume activities.
As a club, we hope everyone stays well and look forward to seeing everyone when netball is back in full force.
Please keep checking the facebook group for most up to date information (link at bottom of site).
March 12, 2020
Coronavirus Update
​As the guidelines with COVID-19 are developing so frequently, we will do our best to keep you up to date with all netball related news. As a club, we will be following England Netball's guidance to ensure the health and safety of all our members and their families, and the staff at the facilities we use.
As per the last communication from England Netball, normal netball activity can continue but we need to help minimise risks.
We ask that all participants in the sessions wash their hands with warm water and soap or alcohol based hand gel on arrival, and as usual cover their mouth during coughs or sneezes. If anyone is feeling unwell, we would ask that they stay at home and take a break from netball until feeling better. During match play we will continue with three cheers, but will refrain from shaking hands.
Junior league will be running on Sunday, and Youth Cup Finals are set for Wednesday evening. Please send us an email if you have any issues with attending matches.
We will be providing updates when needed on Facebook, so please make sure you follow the Grangers page (link at the bottom of the site).
If you would like more information, the link below will take you to England Netball's statement.
February 25, 2020
Junior League Official Week One!
Congratulations to all the girls who played in the Junior League decider tournament on Sunday. We had loads of girls playing against other teams for the first time, many players in new positions and combinations, and tons of fantastic results.
We have the provisional fixtures for the first week of matches. All teams have at least a match this week, but some have two. Please arrive 20 minutes before your first match, with £2 match fees, water, and plenty of warm clothing.
Claire will confirm your squads and match times on Friday at training.
February 19, 2020
Youth Cup and Plate
Youth cup and plate fixtures are now available. Congrats to all teams for their performance in the regular season, all gaining a place in the cup competition.
Fixtures start on 26th February and run over three weeks. There will then be cup finals played indoors with a presentation evening to celebrate the whole season. The league are just finalising the date for this evening and we will let you know a.s.a.p.
Cup and plate games score each quarter separately, and points are scored for winning individual quarters.
Please download your fixtures and arrive 30 minutes before your game to warm up as usual with your match fees and water.
February 16, 2020
Junior League Week One!
Junior league is finally upon us!
The decider tournament is to be played on Sunday 23rd February at Bedford Academy.
We are aware that a few players are unavailable on that date, and have organised teams accordingly. Please head over to the Junior section of the website to find the team list for the tournament and all needed information.
The playing schedules for the day are also available for each age group. Head to the year group sections off the junior page to download.
Good luck and I hope Dennis has disappeared!
February 02, 2020
IO Umpiring Course
Bedfordshire have just released two new course dates for the Into Officiating Umpiring Award.
Sun 19th April 9.45 to 16.00 - Polhill Avenue, Bedford
Sun 17th May 9.45 to 16.00 - Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade
The course is the first step to becoming an umpire, something that is always loved and needed within the club. After attending the course, you will be able to umpire at Junior, Youth, and Senior league with a mentor to prepare for your test.
The courses are first come first served and often fill up quick, so download the info form from the 'About Us' section and follow the instructions.
January 17, 2020
Junior League Registration and Training Fees
Junior league registration forms are now available on the website.
As mentioned, we will enter as many teams in to the league as needed to accommodate all players, but to allow this we need all registration forms by the end of January. Any players whose form is received after this will not be guaranteed a place in a team. Please print the form and bring it to training. Please leave the 'Team Name' section blank.
The Spring fees form now up, this is due by half term. Please read the form for information about player affiliations.
January 06, 2020
Junior League Squads
With term two beginning, thoughts quickly turn to junior league.
Over the next few weeks league registration will open and players will be placed in to squads. As we know this can be a worrisome time for players, we have put together some information about how squads are organised to hopefully help the players understand the tough decisions made by coaches.
Please download the file attached and have a read through.
We will also be seeking help from parents once the league begins. Each squad will need an adult with them at games. As we have many fantastic youth coaches, we will be looking for adults to become squad buddies. We are also looking for any qualified umpires.
If you would like to volunteer your help or have any questions about the league or how we select squads, we will be making ourselves available after each session on Friday 10th January inside the sports hall for 10 minutes.
December 14, 2019
Happy Holidays!
With 3 weeks until the next Grangers netball event, I hope everyone is continuing the festive spirit from training on Friday and has a lovely break.
It's been a really positive term all over the club, with lots more to come in the new year.
Download the latest newsletter to get an update of the last term, dates for the diary, and exciting opportunities for you in the club.
November 25, 2019
Term Dates
With the Christmas holidays fast approaching and to clear your Friday evenings for shopping and parties, club training will finish with a festive themed session on Friday 13th December. Any tinsel, reindeer ears or Christmas jumpers will be warmly welcomed!
We will start back on Friday 10th January ready to jump straight back in to youth league and move closer to the highly anticipated junior league!
Senior training will finish this week (Tuesday 26th November). Keep a check on your Whatsapp group for the return date in January.
November 19, 2019
Youth League Fixtures
The fixtures for the second half of the youth league are now available over on the YOUTH page. Please download them and let us know a.s.a.p. if there are any games you can not make.
As discussed with the girls on Friday, no Grangers teams have a game this week (20th Nov) due to the number of players taking part in the schools county netball and regional hockey tournaments. We wish you all good luck and hope there is friendly competition when Grangers girls meet as opposition!
The league tables from the first half are also available to download.
Enjoy your Wednesday evening in the warm and see you on Friday!
October 21, 2019
Half Term
After a very busy couple of months, we have reached half term.
Junior and youth training will take a break for two weeks, starting back on 8th November. Youth league also takes two weeks off, please check the fixture list for the next matches and let us know if you're not available.
Senior training will continue through half term as normal.
September 03, 2019
Welcome Back!
We hope you have all had a lovely summer break (I can't believe it is over already!).
Download the news letter below to get a club update and complete your netball To Do list.
Training starts for players in year 4 through to year 11 (and the Division 5 adult team) on Friday 6th September, and the rest of the adult teams on Tuesday 10th September. Times and venues are on the news letter.
All players will have training fees due and relevant forms can be found on the Junior, Youth, or Adult pages. Youth players also have their league registration form to be returned by training on Friday 6th. Adult registration forms are well over due and should be returned a.s.a.p.
June 04, 2019
Adult Local and Regional
Adult local and Regional team registration is now open. To find the registration form go to the adult section
June 06, 2019
Mums and Daughters
Mums and Daughters
(or dads, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles or friends over the age of 18)
Fridays @ Lincroft Netball Courts
Starting from Friday 7th June
6 til 7pm
£2 per pair - pay and play
March 09, 2018
Junior League Fixtures
After a fantastic tournament and a week in the snow, we have divisions and fixtures for all the Junior teams.
Please be at Bedford Academy 30 minutes before your first game, so teams can find each other and get warmed up.
Although the snow is gone, remember plenty of layers for between matches and your £2 match fees.
If there are any games you are unable to attend, please email your coach a.s.a.p. on, including player and team name.
Head over to the Junior section to download the fixtures.
March 01, 2018
First day of Spring?!
Junior and Youth training is cancelled this Friday (2nd March) due to weather and road conditions. The youth girls due to play their game will instead play next Friday (9th).
Junior league on Sunday is also cancelled.
I strongly recommend making sure you get a sledging session/ snowball fight in as alternative training!
January 19, 2018
Junior League Details
We now have junior league information for years 5-8. As usual, all girls that want to be play will be placed in a team, with as many teams as we need entered.
All dates, times, and registration details were given to the girls at training. Please fill in and return this ASAP.
If you haven't got a form, click below to download a new one.
December 30, 2017
New Year, New Netball Term
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break and Santa came with lots of netball related gifts ready for training to return!
JUNIOR and YOUTH training starts back on Friday 5th January. YOUTH League fixtures return on Wednesday 10th January - check your fixture list to see if your team has a game. JUNIOR League forms will be out soon, ready for matches starting in February.
REGIONAL and ADULT training is back on Tuesday 9th January. Please remember there is a REGIONAL game on Sunday 7th January (and 'Christmas' meal afterwards)! Any issues please contact Claire ASAP!
October 30, 2017
Reminders post half term
So many reminders this week!
1) YOUTH LEAGUE is back this Wednesday 1st November! Please check your team page for your fixture time, and be there 20 minutes before to warm up like normal. Any issues, please let your coach know or email ASAP.
2) YOUTH AND JUNIOR training is back this Friday 3rd November, times as normal. We know it is nearing Bonfire night, and Bedford Blues firework display is Friday. Please let us know ASAP if you will not be attending training this week! Send us a quick email.
3) FEES are (over)due for all junior and youth players. All players were given a form at training before half term. Please return this, with payment, at the first training possible. If you have misplaced your form, it is available on the Junior and Youth sections, or even below and on the News section dated 16th September!
4) ADULT training is 8-9.30pm for this week. Please attend if you know you should be there!
I think that's it...
September 18, 2017
Youth League Fixtures
Youth League fixtures for all teams are now up. This year we have 6 teams entered in the league. After the decider tournament on 13th September, we have two teams in Division 1, one team in each of Divisions 2 and 3, and two teams in Division 4. Well done to all girls at the tournament.
Head over to the Youth section to see all the fixtures. For a personalised fixture list for the season, please see your team page. For any fixtures you can't make, please tell your coach ASAP.
September 15, 2017
Junior and Youth Training Fees
With training now in full swing, please download, complete, and return the fees form. It's important that all players return the form so that we have correct emergency contact and medical information. The form can be found on both the Youth and Junior sections of the website.
August 29, 2017
With summer (what summer?!) coming to an end, netball is back full swing! All age groups, from year 3 to adult, start training week commencing 4th September at Alexander Sports Centre in Bedford. Head over to your age group section of the website for exact times and dates.
July 03, 2017
Adult and Regional Registration 2017-2018
It is that time of year again to start affiliating for the adult leagues, whether local or regional. Please download and return your form as soon as possible so that we can get prepared for the season ahead. Check out the adult page to grab your form!
June 17, 2017
Presentation Evening
Presentation evening for all Youth and Junior players will be held this year at Bedford Blues Rugby Club from 7pm on Saturday 8th July. We have had another fantastic season as a club, and would love to spend an evening with everyone to celebrate the hard work and achievement all round. On the night, each team will have 3 awards presented – Coach’s Player, Most Improved Player and Players’ Player. As well as the awards, there will be a buffet, music and fantastic company! If you would like to attend, please fill out the attached form and return it by 1st July!
June 15, 2017
Summer Camp!
Back by popular demand, Grangers will be holding a summer camp again this year! There are two camps during the holidays, with the first camp 24th-28th July and second 29th Aug- 1st Sep held at Lincroft School Field in Oakley. Both camps will run 9.30am- 3.30pm, meaning girls will need to come with a packed lunch and plenty of water. Please see the attached document for more information and booking form.
June 14, 2017
Adult Pre-Season
We will be holding preseason training for all adult players this summer. It will be held on the courts at Lincroft School Playing Field on a Thursday evening, 7-8pm. Sessions will run from the start of July through to the end of August. All players from the current Regional squad are expected to attend, with the invitation open to all other members playing in the adult league next season.
January 03, 2017
Junior League Registration
All players who are in year 5,6,7 and 8 and are interested in playing in the Bedford Junior League need to fill out a registration form and bring it along to training. Please read the form carefully and check that you are available to play on the dates of the matches. If you cannot make all of the dates but would still like to play then please let your coach know.
Training starts again on Friday 13th January 2017.
September 03, 2016
Welcome Back for the 2016/2017 Season
Welcome back to Grangers Netball Club for the 2016/2017 season, we hope everyone had a good summer break. Training is starting again for the regional and adult regional teams at Mark Rutherford on Thursday 8th September 2016 (times TBC) and the junior and youth teams are starting training agin on Friday 9th September 2016 at Alexnder Sports Centre. Year 5 and 6 6.00-7.15pm. Year 7-8 6.15-7.30pm. Year 9, 10 and 117.15-8.30pm.
June 01, 2016
End of Season Presentation
Grangers end of season presentation evening is on FRIDAY 17th JUNE 2016 at Alexander Sports Centre, 6.00-8.30pm. Please come and join us the celebrate the success of the club this year.
This is for all adult, youth and junior teams.
April 02, 2016
East Regional League Final Round
Grangers signed off the Regional netball season with a convincing away win against Star, finally winning 48-39. With the league format changing and only one team being promoted, Grangers found themselves lying in second place one point behind the leaders. Although they had overall won the most games of any team in the league, 12 wins out of 16 games played, this wasn’t quite enough to gain promotion.
The start of the game saw Grangers uncharacteristically storm into a 15 - 5 lead. Their attack of Sasha Joseph (WA), Harriet Cole (C), Rosie Russell (GA) and Ria Xenophontos (GS) were giving the Star defence a torrid time. Whenever one of the shooters missed the other would pick up the rebound and score. In the defensive end the trio of Louise Powell (GK), Poppy Blair (GD) and Becca Hooker (WD) were all over the Star attack like a rash. The second quarter was a lot tighter with Star putting up more resistance. Grangers still managed to win the 15 minutes by 1 leaving the score 26 - 15 at half time. Claire Southam was looking to play her full squad of nine. Two changes followed. Harriet made way at C, after running her socks off, being replaced by Charlotte Fossey. Annabel Powell replaced her sister at GK with Louise moving into attack at GS. A 13 - 7 quarter followed to put the young Grangers in a commanding 17 goal lead. Annabel at GK was instrumental in turning over numerous Star attacks during this period. The last phase saw Sasha re-enter the game at WA. With 5 positional changes Grangers started to look a little unbalanced throughout the court and found it hard to find their form of the previous 45 minutes. That said it was fantastic to see Claire Southam’s squad all get some court time as each player has contributed to a wonderful season which has seen Grangers pull off some memorable victories against tough opposition.
Claire Southam can rightly be proud of her young team who have lit up the league with their fast flowing brand of netball often over running teams with their sheer exuberance. Grangers will be looking to build on this season. With so many talented youngsters in their club another push for promotion seems assured.
Player of the game: Ria Xenophontos (GS/GA) hardly missed a shot for Grangers.
Report by Steve Powell